I am revamping this page, please be patient while it is under construction.
Here you can read my resume and find my contact info! Make sure to drop by and read about this page! I have a real passion for Coding, I want to create things that people will see and use on a daily basis and wont think twice about it.
Many websites like Facebook have become more than just something to pass the time, but something that you use everyday, seemlessly! I worked with an Automated Test Bench that would run a series of tests on components of the aircraft. Those tests where preprogrammed in ATLAS code, if it had not been for age (considering these have been around from the 90s) the tests would just work in the background and maintainers wouldn’t think a thing about them!
I believe thats the beauty of code. When you set something up to run without any operator action, it is more art than it is a science. Like a fresh painting you can just show it off or use it for yourself as a tool.
I had a special job when I was in the Marine Corps, I had to interpret the ATLAS code that was used for the Automated Test Bench to understand the intent of the engineer that wanted the test preformed. No one else in my work center took the time to understand the code, but I enjoyed learning about it.